Miscellaneous Environments ___________

thebibliography Environment

The thebibliography environment produces a bibliography or reference list. In the article class, this reference list is labelled "References"; in the report class, it is labelled "Bibliography".
Text that, when printed, is approximately as wide as the widest item label produces by the \bibitem commands.

Related Commands

The following commands are used in the environment thebibliography:
The \bibitem command generates an entry labelled by label. If the label argument is missing, a number is generated as the label, using the enumi counter. The cite_key is any sequence of letters, numbers, and punctuation symbols not containing a comma. This command writes an entry on the .aux file containing cite_key and the item's label. When this .aux file is read by the \begin{document} command, the item's label is associated with cite_key, causing the reference to cite_key by a \cite command to produce the associated label.

The key_list argument is a list of citation keys. This command generates an in-text citation to the references associated with the keys in key_list by entries on the .aux file read by the \begin{document} command. The optional text argument will appear after the citation, i.e. \cite[p. 2]{knuth} might produce [Knuth, p. 2].

The \nocite command produces no text, but writes key_list, which is a list of one or more citation keys, on the .aux file.

titlepage Environment

The titlepage environment creates a title page, i.e. a page with no printed page number or heading. It also causes the following page to be numbered page one. Formatting the title page is left to you. The \today command comes in handy for title pages.

Note that you can use the \maketitle command to produce a standard title page.

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