Math Symbols ____________

LaTeX provides almost any mathematical symbol you're likely to need. The commands for generating them can be used only in math mode. For example, if you include `$\pi$' in your source, you will get the symbol "pi" in your output.


Greek Letters

The following is a list of the Greek letters available in latex:

Binary Operation Symbols

      \pm             \sqcap                   \rhd
      \mp             \sqcup                   \unlhd
      \times          \vee                     \unrhd
      \div            \wedge                   \oplus
      \ast            \setminus                \ominus
      \star           \wr                      \otimes
      \circ           \diamond                 \oslash
      \bullet         \bigtriangleup           \odot
      \cdot           \bigtriangledown         \bigcirc
      \cap            \triangleleft            \dagger
      \cup            \triangleright           \ddagger
      \uplus          \lhd                     \amalg

Relation Symbols

      \leq            \geq             \equiv           \models
      \prec           \succ            \sim             \perp
      \preceq         \succeq          \simeq           \mid
      \ll             \gg              \asymp           \parallel
      \subset         \supset          \approx          \bowtie
      \subseteq       \supseteq        \cong            \Join
      \sqsubset       \sqsupset        \neq             \smile
      \sqsubseteq     \sqsupseteq      \doteq           frown
      \in             \ni              \propto
      \vdash          dashv
\leftarrow \longleftarrow \uparrow

Arrow Symbols

      \leftarrow              \longleftarrow           \uparrow
      \Leftarrow              \Longleftarrow           \Uparrow
      \rightarrow             \longrightarrow          \downarrow
      \Rightarrow             \Longrightarrow          \Downarrow
      \leftrightarrow         \longleftrightarrow      \updownarrow
      \Leftrightarrow         \Longleftrightarrow      \Updownarrow
      \mapsto                 \longmapsto              \nearrow
      \hookleftarrow          \hookrightarrow          \searrow
      \leftharpoonup          \rightharpoonup          \swarrow
      \leftharpoondown        \rightharpoondown        \nwarrow
      \rightleftharpoons      \leadsto

Miscellaneous Symbols

      \aleph          \prime           \forall          \infty
      \hbar           \emptyset        \exists          \Box
      \imath          \nabla           \neg             \Diamond
      \jmath          \surd            \flat            \triangle
      \ell            \top             \natural         \clubsuit
      \wp             \bot             \sharp           \diamondsuit
      \Re             \angle           \backslash       \heartsuit
      \Im             \partial         \spadesuit

Variable-sized Symbols

      \sum            \bigcap          \bigdot
      \prod           \bigcup          \bigotimes
      \coprod         \bigsqcup        \bigoplus
      \int            \bigvee          \biguplus
      \oint           \bigwedge

Log-like Functions

       \arccos        \csc             \ker             \min
       \arcsin        \deg             \lg              \Pr
       \arctan        \det             \lim             \sec
       \arg           \dim             \liminf          \sin
       \cos           \exp             \limsup          \sinh
       \cosh          \gcd             \ln              \sup
       \cot           \hom             \log             \tan
       \coth          \inf             \max             \tanh


Math Mode Accents

      \hat{}                  \tilde{}
      \check{}                \bar{}
      \breve{}                \vec{}
      \acute{}                \dot{}
      \grave{}                \ddot{}

LaTeX2e manual: v1.0 - (2/95).