The typeface is specified by giving the "size" and "style". A typeface is also called a "font".
, \em
, etc). The other
is the use of new commands for changing a specific attribute
of a given font.
) - Roman font
) - sans serif font
) - typewriter font
) - boldface
- medium
- normal
) - italics
) - slanted
) - small caps
to get sans serif boldface.
You can also use the environment form of the declaration forms; e.g.
These commands are used like \textit{italics text}
. The corresponding
command in parenthesis is the "declaration form", which takes no
arguments. The scope of the declaration form lasts until the next type
style command or the end of the current group.
The following is a list of the typeface styles available in LaTeX:
\textrm (\rmfamily)
\textit (\itshape)
\textmd (\mdseries)
\textbf (\bfseries)
\textup (\upshape)
\textsl (\slshape)
\textsf (\sffamily)
\textsc (\scshape)
\texttt (\ttfamily)
\textnormal (\normalfont)
The following type size commands are supported by LaTeX.