Typefaces ____________

The typeface is specified by giving the "size" and "style". A typeface is also called a "font".



There are two basic methods for changing the font styles in LaTeX2e. One is the old method of using the predefined font attributes commands (i.e. \rm, \em, etc). The other is the use of new commands for changing a specific attribute of a given font.

Font Changing

LaTeX2e has added new commands for selecting the font used for text in the document. These new commands allow the changing of a single font attribute: family, series, and shape. The following is a description of the commands used in changing font attributes. The new definition of the old LaTeX font commands are given in parenthesis.

Font Families
\rmfamily (\rm) - Roman font
\sffamily (\sf) - sans serif font
\ttfamily (\tt) - typewriter font
Font Series
\bfseries (\bf) - boldface
\mdseries - medium
Font Shape
\upshape - normal
\itshape (\it) - italics
\slshape (\sl) - slanted
\scshape (\sc) - small caps
These declaration forms are cumulative; i.e., you can say \sffamily\bfseries to get sans serif boldface. You can also use the environment form of the declaration forms; e.g. \begin{ttfamily}...\end{ttfamily}.

Command Forms

These commands are used like \textit{italics text}. The corresponding command in parenthesis is the "declaration form", which takes no arguments. The scope of the declaration form lasts until the next type style command or the end of the current group. The following is a list of the typeface styles available in LaTeX:

\textrm (\rmfamily)

\textit (\itshape)

Emphasis (toggles between \textit and \textrm).

\textmd (\mdseries)
Medium weight (default). The opposite of boldface.

\textbf (\bfseries)

\textup (\upshape)
Upright (default). The opposite of slanted.

\textsl (\slshape)

\textsf (\sffamily)
Sans serif.

\textsc (\scshape)
Small caps.

\texttt (\ttfamily)

\textnormal (\normalfont)
Main document font.

Roman, for use in math mode.

Boldface, for use in math mode.

Sans serif, for use in math mode.

Typewriter, for use in math mode.

Italics, for use in math mode, e.g. variable names with several letters.

For use in math mode, e.g. inside another type style declaration.

Calligraphic letters, for use in math mode.


The following type size commands are supported by LaTeX.

\normalsize (default)

LaTeX2e manual: v1.0 - (2/95).