Lists Environments ___________

description Environment

      \item [label] First item
      \item [label] Second item
The description environment is used to make labelled lists. The label is bold face and flushed right.

enumerate Environment

      \item First item
      \item Second item
The enumerate environment produces a numbered list. Enumerations can be nested within one another, up to four levels deep. They can also be nested within other paragraph-making environments.

Each item of an enumerated list begins with an \item command. There must be at least one \item command within the environment.

The enumerate environment uses the enumi through enumiv counters The type of numbering can be changed by redefining \theenumi etc.

itemize Environment

      \item First item
      \item Second item
The itemize environment produces a "bulleted" list. Itemizations can be nested within one another, up to four levels deep. They can also be nested within other paragraph-making environments.

Each item of an itemized list begins with an \item command. There must be at least one \item command within the environment.

The itemize environment uses the itemi through itemiv counters The type of numbering can be changed by redefining \theitemi etc.

LaTeX2e manual: v1.0 - (2/95).