Mathematical Environments _________

array Environment

     column 1 entry & column 2 entry ... & column n entry \\
Math arrays are produced with the array environment. It has a single mandatory argument describing the number of columns and the alignment within them. Each column, coln, is specified by a single letter that tells how items in that row should be formatted.
c -- for centred
l -- for flush left
r -- for flush right
Column entries must be separated by an &. Column entries may include other LaTeX commands. Each row of the array must be terminated with the string \\.

Note that the array environment can only be used in math mode, so normally it is used inside an equation environment.

eqnarray Environment

      math formula 1 \\
      math formula 2 \\
The eqnarray environment is used to display a sequence of equations or inequalities. It is very much like a three-column array environment, with consecutive rows separated by \\ and consecutive items within a row separated by an &.

An equation number is placed on every line unless that line has a \nonumber command.

equation Environment

       math formula
The equation environment centres your equation on the page and places the equation number in the right margin.

theorem Environment

       theorem text
The theorem environment produces "Theorem x" in boldface followed by your theorem text.

LaTeX2e manual: v1.0 - (2/95).